
History of Environmental Activities


History of Environmental Activities

In the year 2000, Yamazen formulated its Environmental Policy, and promotes environmental management through the acquisition of ISO14001 certification and other measures.

Environmental Committee launched, begin investigating acquisition of ISO14001 certification
Osaka Corporate Headquarters area registers ISO14001 certification (registration number EC99J1210)

Yamazen Environmental Policy formulated
Scope of ISO14001 certification expanded to include Tokyo Corporate Headquarters area
Scope of ISO14001 certification expanded to include all domestic offices (60 sites)
Begin “Eco-Brand Campaign” (now “the Green Ball Project”)
Ranks 9th in the Trading Company category in the 10th Environmental Management Survey by Nikkei Inc. (and also remained in the top 10 for three successive years)
Extends the “Eco-Brand Campaign” to production factories Yamazen designated a “specified consigner” under the terms of the Act on Rational Use of Energy
Begin the “Green Ball Project” environmental business consisting of initiatives to sell and popularize energy-saving and “energy-creating” equipment
Receives the Osaka Mayor Award for “Distinguished Service In Activities for Beautifying Roads and Parks.”
Receives “10 Consecutive Years Award” from Japan Audit and Certification Organization for Environment and Quality (JACO)
Receives a letter of thanks from Osaka Mayor in relation to Osaka Corporate Headquarters Building No.2, in recognition of its status as a superior reduced-waste building
Undergoes review for updated ISO14001 certification, and passes with an assessment of “improved”
Endorses the Ministry of the Environment’s “Fun to Share” climate change campaign aimed at realizing a low-carbon society
Undergoes review for updated ISO14001 certification, and passes with an assessment of “improved”
Undergoes first-year surveillance review for ISO14001 certification and receives assessment of “improved,” resulting in continuation of certification
In parallel with undergoing second year surveillance review for ISO14001 certification, undergoes and passes review for transition to 2015 version of the standard, resulting in completion of transition work
Undergoes review for updated ISO14001 certification and receives an assessment of “improved,” resulting in continuation of certification
Undergoes first-year surveillance review at Osaka Corporate Headquarters for ISO14001 certification, resulting in continuation of certification
Undergoes second-year surveillance review for ISO14001 certification at Osaka Corporate Headquarters, resulting in continuation of certification (for Osaka Corporate Headquarters only)
Newly establishes the Green Recovery Business Department as a dedicated department engaging in new decarbonization business
Undergoes review for updated ISO14001 certification and receives an assessment of “improved,” resulting in continuation of certification(for Osaka Corporate Headquarters only)
Joins a PPA model business through a business alliance with Daigas Energy Co., Ltd.
Introduces electricity from 100% renewable energy at Osaka Corporate Headquarters
Introduces and starts providing the CO2 calculation application “GBP App”
Introduces electricity from 100% renewable energy at the logistics base “Logis Osaka”
Undergoes first-year surveillance review for ISO14001 certification at Osaka Corporate Headquarters, resulting in continuation of certification (for Osaka Corporate Headquarters only)
Undergoes second-year surveillance review for ISO14001 certification at Osaka Corporate Headquarters, resulting in continuation of certification (for Osaka Corporate Headquarters only)

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