History of Environmental Activities
History of Environmental Activities
In the year 2000, Yamazen formulated its Environmental Policy, and promotes environmental management through the acquisition of ISO14001 certification and other measures.
- 1998
- Environmental Committee launched, begin investigating acquisition of ISO14001 certification
- 2000
- Osaka Corporate Headquarters area registers ISO14001 certification (registration number EC99J1210)
Yamazen Environmental Policy formulated
- 2001
- Scope of ISO14001 certification expanded to include Tokyo Corporate Headquarters area
- 2002
- Scope of ISO14001 certification expanded to include all domestic offices (60 sites)
- 2005
- Begin “Eco-Brand Campaign” (now “the Green Ball Project”)
- 2006
- Ranks 9th in the Trading Company category in the 10th Environmental Management Survey by Nikkei Inc. (and also remained in the top 10 for three successive years)
- 2007
- Extends the “Eco-Brand Campaign” to production factories Yamazen designated a “specified consigner” under the terms of the Act on Rational Use of Energy
- 2008
- Begin the “Green Ball Project” environmental business consisting of initiatives to sell and popularize energy-saving and “energy-creating” equipment
Receives the Osaka Mayor Award for “Distinguished Service In Activities for Beautifying Roads and Parks.”
- 2010
- Receives “10 Consecutive Years Award” from Japan Audit and Certification Organization for Environment and Quality (JACO)
- 2011
- Receives a letter of thanks from Osaka Mayor in relation to Osaka Corporate Headquarters Building No.2, in recognition of its status as a superior reduced-waste building
- 2012
- Undergoes review for updated ISO14001 certification, and passes with an assessment of “improved”
- 2014
- Endorses the Ministry of the Environment’s “Fun to Share” climate change campaign aimed at realizing a low-carbon society
- 2015
- Undergoes review for updated ISO14001 certification, and passes with an assessment of “improved”
- 2016
- Undergoes first-year surveillance review for ISO14001 certification and receives assessment of “improved,” resulting in continuation of certification
- 2017
- In parallel with undergoing second year surveillance review for ISO14001 certification, undergoes and passes review for transition to 2015 version of the standard, resulting in completion of transition work
- 2018
- Undergoes review for updated ISO14001 certification and receives an assessment of “improved,” resulting in continuation of certification
- 2019
- Undergoes first-year surveillance review at Osaka Corporate Headquarters for ISO14001 certification, resulting in continuation of certification
- 2020
- Undergoes second-year surveillance review for ISO14001 certification at Osaka Corporate Headquarters, resulting in continuation of certification (for Osaka Corporate Headquarters only)
- 2021
- Newly establishes the Green Recovery Business Department as a dedicated department engaging in new decarbonization business
Undergoes review for updated ISO14001 certification and receives an assessment of “improved,” resulting in continuation of certification(for Osaka Corporate Headquarters only)
Joins a PPA model business through a business alliance with Daigas Energy Co., Ltd.
- 2022
- Introduces electricity from 100% renewable energy at Osaka Corporate Headquarters
Introduces and starts providing the CO2 calculation application “GBP App”
Introduces electricity from 100% renewable energy at the logistics base “Logis Osaka”
Undergoes first-year surveillance review for ISO14001 certification at Osaka Corporate Headquarters, resulting in continuation of certification (for Osaka Corporate Headquarters only)
- 2023
- Undergoes second-year surveillance review for ISO14001 certification at Osaka Corporate Headquarters, resulting in continuation of certification (for Osaka Corporate Headquarters only)