Social Media Policy
Social Media Policy
Yamazen Corporation and its group companies (hereinafter, the “Company”) operate a policy for information posted and broadcast from blogs, social networking services (SNS) and other user-driven media (hereinafter, “social media”) when using official accounts of the Company (hereinafter, “official accounts”), consisting of compliance with the behavior and basic manners set out below.
Also, this policy shall be made known and enforced within the Company so that it becomes a guiding principle for the posting of information to personal accounts on social media conducted by Group employees privately and voluntarily, irrespective of the affiliated organization and the form of employment.
1. Purpose of using social media
We use social media to facilitate marketing communication by the Company (the Company’s employees) through the appropriate sharing of information with stakeholders, and work to provide valuable information and insights. This is always implemented with an awareness that strengthening mutual ties through communication makes a significant contribution to enhancing the Company’s brand.
2. Self-awareness and responsibility with regard to posting and responding to information on social media
We are always aware that information posted from official accounts while representing the Company can be accessed by large numbers of unspecified users in various circumstances and from various backgrounds. We understand that information that has once been disclosed cannot be completely deleted. We never forget that a local posting can have global influence, and we always bear in mind that the information posted by each and every individual can have a substantial influence.
3. Consideration for readers
We treat readers with respect. We do not insult specific individuals, contain libelous or obscene content, or behave in ways that would not be tolerated in the workplace, or act in ways that could violate the privacy of others, nor do we post on topics such as politics and religion that can provoke differing opinions, and that could be incendiary.
We remember to listen closely, and in the event that we post incorrect information or use expressions that are liable to be misunderstood, we issue corrections swiftly.
In addition, while we pay the greatest respect to contributions from readers, postings, etc. that contain malicious slander in relation to specific individuals, companies, countries or regions will be dealt with as appropriate, by deletion or being removed from display, after consulting the rules for various social media.
4. Disclaimer
On these services, the Company provides no warranty with regard to the accuracy, completeness, or legality of information provided by the Company, the Company’s subcontractors and other users. In addition, the Company takes no responsibility for contact with unpleasant, injurious or inappropriate information as a result of using the Company’s social media and for harm and damage suffered by users and third parties as a result of such contact, except in cases where it is intended by the Company, or caused by gross negligence on the part of the Company.
5. Respecting the rights of third parties
We respect the rights of third parties, such as copyrights, trademark rights, and image rights, and we do not violate them.
We do not involve customers, partners or suppliers, or mention them, without their permission. We do not disclose information leading to conjecture that could confuse customers or cause harm or damage to them.
In addition, personal information that we acquire is managed appropriately in accordance with the Personal Information Management Regulations set out by the Company.
6. Preventing leaks of confidential information
The provision of confidential or other proprietary information of the Company or of other companies, or the posting of information regarding the Company’s performance or other confidential information is prohibited.
Explanation and request to customers and other users
Information posted on social media from the Company (company employees) does not necessarily always express the official announcements and views of the Company. For official announcements, information is posted on the Yamazen corporate website( in press releases, etc.
Also, it may not be possible to respond to postings from customers in every case. We are grateful for your understanding in this regard.